Dear Reader…

Words & Paper

Letters – Journals – Memoir

A Rome with My View

Welcome to Letters from Rome, a collection of letters, diary entries, and musings. I write to you, I write to Rome, and (mostly) I write to myself.  I write about my life in Italy and the search for home and belonging.  I also write about all things that inspire me. 

Most of my writing is now stored in this library from where I send out a free monthly newsletter as well as weekly musings, photos and audio notes to subscribers. You can access my newsletter Letters from Rome by subscribing here.

If you’d like to receive occasional notes from me with updates on workshops, new items in my online shop or other offerings, click on the subscribe button below. 

Lastly, if you love snail-mail I would love to send you a hand-written letter or postcard from Rome. Thanks for stopping by!

Cari Saluti,


PS: if you are into stationery (as I am) you are in the right place. Take a look at my Shop for all things Words and Paper. 

New in My Library

Read my Latest Newsletter

Tune into my Feature on the A Writer in Italy Podcast

Listen to Why I Write to Rome

Register for my seasonal Write Freely workshop here or join me for live online journaling sessions here

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Letters Rome

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